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I’ll be honest.

After glancing at the gym floor and seeing this at 6:00 in the morning before my spin class, my first thought was to turn around and walk out the door.

Sometimes I see things like this and I rise to the occasion. I puff my chest up and psych myself up.

Not this morning.

But, in the words of a dear friend of mine, I said to myself “I can do hard things” 

So I got on my bike, started the ride and took the entire 60 minutes of class one Phase at a time.

I was sharing with someone the other day the difference I see in being a business owner versus an employee. As a business owner not only am I working for my clients in helping them accomplish their goals, but I’m also working for my business in helping my business accomplish its goals. Setting strategy, ensuring all of the i’s are dotted and t’s crossed, keeping up with trends in the marketplace and “filling the funnel” with business opportunities. 

“Is it hard?” She asked me. “Well, it’s not easy” was my reply. But being “not easy” isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Just like today’s workout. “Not easy” can be Moderate, and I’m okay with that.

Moving through the phases of life can be Somewhat Hard sometimes. It can also be Hard. And there are days when it’s Very Hard. 

The beauty in these phases is just that. They’re PHASES. They too shall pass (sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly as was evident in today’s ride), but if I stay true to form, stay true to the effort I put in, I know I will come out of these phases stronger than if I had just turned around and walked out of class. And you know what? I did!!

So here’s to all of you who are riding through all of the phases in life, whether they be Moderate, Somewhat Hard, Hard or Very Hard. You’ve got this, and I’m glad to be along for the ride with you…