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Something about this gate made me pause this afternoon. Perhaps it was because I’ve watched the rock wall being built stone by stone over the last few months and to see it completed was pretty cool. Or perhaps it was because Waimea finally got some sunshine and I liked the way that the light danced off of the gate.  Either way, it’s pretty, don’t you think? 

As I looked at it more I started to wonder about what was behind that gate. Well, I already know what’s behind the gate as I saw the entire thing being built, but that thought process alone was a reflection of how I choose to look at my life. I choose to focus on the possibility, and not the probability.

If I were looking at this from the probability standpoint, I would likely think about the barriers to how I could get that gate open. “What if it’s locked? What if there’s a guard dog on the other side? What if I can’t open the gate?”

Instead, I choose to look at this from a possibility standpoint. “What is behind that gate? What is it that I could do? What dreams are behind that gate that have yet to be realized?”

There’s an argument to be made for both approaches. So, if you know what your probabilities are in your business, but you’re not quite sure how you can start  sharing what your business can do, contact me, we can work through this together, and maybe we’ll open a gate or two in the process!