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I was in the middle of a conversation today when someone else interrupted with “So you you do marketing? Who are your clients? How many clients do you have?”

It got me thinking about how focused we can be on quantifying our version of success, whether it be the number of clients we have, how much money we have, where we live, what school our kids go to, what our title is, the list goes on and on. 

I walk by this fruit tree (I think it’s a peach) through all seasons of the year.  I took this photo as it illustrates for me what Appreciating the Process is.  From the buds to the flowers to the eventual fruit, the entire process is beautiful. That’s what I love most about marketing and public relations. It’s the process.  

Each client has a different end goal, one may want more visibility for their product(s), another may need to achieve a certain financial goal, another needs to fundraise. That’s where Jaisy Communications can help, so if you’re looking for somebody to walk through that process with, and appreciate that process with, give us a call!